
編譯服務 Proofreading & Translation



1.  請先下載並填妥「國立東華大學英文編修服務申請表」或「國立東華大學翻譯服務申請表」, 連同稿件 Word 電子檔案,寄到 LC.service@gms.ndhu.edu.tw 信箱。

2.  中心會回覆收到您的申請,並開始聯繫服務成員進行完稿時間及費用估價。如申請後未收到回覆信件,亦可來電確認 03-8905497

3.  服務成員完稿時間及費用估價完成後,會用 E-mail通知申請人,再經由申請人 E-mail 回覆確認後,才會開始進行編修或翻譯服務。

4.  編修或翻譯服務完成後,通知申請人至語言中心領取繳費單至學校台灣企銀櫃檯繳費、亦可線上繳費, 並將完成的稿件 E-mail回傳給申請人。

5.  英文編修服務以半小時為計費單位,稿件送件人為學生者,每半小時新臺幣400元整;稿件送件人為非學生者,每半小時新臺幣500元整。

6.  翻譯服務每字1.5~2.5元計費;具時效性之急件或官方文件,採個案報價,除上述收費標準外,加價金額由翻譯老師決定,但最高不會超過每字新臺幣3元

7.  英文編修及翻譯服務報價以申請人接受服務成員估價為準。

8. 詳細辦法內容請參考國立東華大學英文編修實施辦國立東華大學翻譯服務實施辦法


Proofreading and Translation Service 

On September 1st, 2021, the proofreading and translation rates will be adjusted as follows:

1. Download and fill out the “Proofreading Application Form” or “Translation Application Form” and email the form along with your documents, saved as a Word document (.doc format), to LC.service@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

2. We will reply to you when we receive your application, and we will start contacting editors to estimate a quote for proofreading/translation. Please call 03-8905497 if you have not received a reply from us within 2 business days.

3. We will inform you by e-mail regarding the estimated return date, and the quote for proofreading/translating.  After receiving an e-mail from you, confirming your agreement to the proofreading/translation quote, the editor will start proofreading/translating your document(s).

4. Please come to the Language Center to pick up your invoice, and then complete your payment at the Taiwan Business Bank. Upon confirmation of your payment, we will e-mail you the edited document(s).

5. For the English proofreading rate,  if the manuscript is sent by a student, the cost is NT$400 per half hour; if the manuscript is sent by a non-student, the cost is NT$500 per half an hour

6. The translation rate is from NT$1.5  to NT$2.5 per word. For a  rushed turnaround time or official document(s) the maximum rate is NT$3 per word.

7. For detailed proofreading and translation regulations, please refer to English Editing and Proofreading Service Regulations, and Translation Service Regulations.