
【公告】113-2 英語必修課程免修審核結果 Results of Required English Course Exemption

113-2 學期英語必修課程免修申請,審核結果及通過課程如附件。開啟檔案後以學號查詢。

1. 申請免修之英語溝通三級(2學分)英語線上學習三級(2學分)英文閱讀與寫作三級(2學分)課程,成績單上會以「P」來顯示通過,並實得該課程應有之學分數,不需另外加修課程。請於期末至「學程選課輔助及畢業初審系統」查詢。
2. 請於加退選期間將原選課程辦理退選。未退選者,原選修之英語必修課程視為重複修課,學分數只採計一次。

3. 外籍生不適用「校核心英語必修課程免修作業要點」,如英檢成績通過畢業門檻標準,中心會於系統上登錄通過。


Attached is the PDF of the results of your application for exemption from the required English courses. And please notice

  1. For the exempted courses "English Communications-Level 3" (2 credits), "Online English Learning-Level" (2 credits), and "English Reading and Writing-Level 3" (2 credits), your transcript will show a "P" (means "Pass"), and you will receive the full credit for each course. There is no need to take additional courses. Please check the "I學程選課輔助及畢業初審系統" at the end of the semester for confirmation.

  2. During the add/drop period, please make sure to withdraw from any original courses you had previously registered for. Failure to do so will result in the original mandatory English courses being counted as repeated, and the credits will only be applied once.

  3. International students are not subject to the "Core Required English Curriculum Waiver Guidelines for Undergraduate Students." If you meet the graduation threshold requirements, your status will be updated in the system accordingly.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 03-8905492 or via email at LC@gms.ndhu.edu.tw.

Updated: 2024/09/16
