【活動】Japanese Speaking Practice Sessions — Talkative Tuesday 週二日語會話時間

Talkative Tuesday
All who are interested in Japan are welcome, not only those who are learning Japanese but also those who want to show off the Japanese words they have learned from anime and manga. Feel free to come and join us!
對日本文化有興趣嗎?認真看動漫日劇學日語卻無人可以分享嗎?想練習日語口說卻苦於沒有夥伴與場合嗎?歡迎參加由來自日本的るり (Ruri) 主持的「お喋りな火曜日」Talkative Tuesday唷!
Tuesday 週二 12:15~1:00 p.m. |
B111, Humanities Building III 人社三館B111 |
Schedule |
Week 11 |
4/25 |
Week 12 |
5/02 |
Week 13 |
5/09 |
Week 14 |
5/16 |
Week 15 |
5/23 |
跨域自主學習活動系統報名 Sign up:https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActApply.aspx
* Sign up online & walk-in participation are both welcome!
* Please sanitize your hands before entering the room.
* Snacks and beverages are served.
* One hour of NDHU Interdisplinary Self-learning credits will be accredited for attendance.