【法語角活動】111-2 French Movie Nights 法國電影之夜

111-2 【French Corner法語角活動】
French Movie Nights 法國電影之夜
Having a romantic fancy toward France? Interested in French films? Language Center presents French Movie Nights to all who would like to enjoy a very French evening! Join the event and have fun with our French teaching assistant, Gabrielle!
★地點/Venue:人三B106 元瑾講堂 Humanities Building III B106
★時間/Time:18:00~20:00(電影附中文字幕;with Mandarin subtitles)
《艾蜜莉的異想世界 Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain》(2001)
《逆轉人生 Intouchables》(2011)
《茉莉人生 Persepolis》(2007)
Entry open at 17:30. You're welcome to sign-in early and have your meal first in H.S. III B107.
(Eating is not allowed in Lecture Hall B106. Please go to Room B107 across the hallway to enjoy your meal before the event starts. Take your perosonal belongings and trash with you when you leave. Thank you very much for your cooperation.)
- 座位有限,提供晚餐,請先報名。
- 參與本活動可認證跨域自主學習時數2小時。
- 報名後當天如不克前來,請於活動前來電取消報名。
- 活動資訊及報名,請至跨域自主學習活動暨報名系統網頁查詢。
- Meal and drinks provided
- Two hours of self-learning inter-disciplinary credits
- Registration required: SIGN UP NOW!
France-Taiwan Foreign Language Internship Exchange Program