
【2024 TOEIC PRACTICE TEST】112-2校園英語能力模擬測驗(實體)

測驗日期 Test Date2024/5/18

測驗時間 Test Time:上午 9:00-11:30 a.m.

報名期間 Registration Period:即日起~2024/5/3

報名網址 Register Online:點此報名

應考資訊查詢日 Testing information: 2024/5/13

成績通知單寄發 Report sending date:2024/5/27

You will receive an automatic email confirming your registration for the test. If you do not receive an email or are unsure if you've successfully signed up, please contact Language Center.



This TOEIC practice test is held by Language Center. There is no admission fee, and the test result can be used as the test to pass the NDHU English graduation requirement. The practice test score will only be sent out by email. If you do not receive the test score after 5/27, please contact Language Center as soon as possible.
