
108-1亭午風起 . 有詩東華─有詩的亭午場次
Poetry Reading 有詩的亭午-英詩小講堂
日期 Date/108年10月9日至12月18日
時間 Time/週三中午12:10~13:10
地點 Venue/人社三館B106階梯教室
本學期「亭午風起,有詩東華」讀詩系列活動之「有詩的亭午」,一共規劃了9場「英詩小講堂 Poetry Reading」。由語言中心 3 位老師以及 3 位特約客席講者,分享與介紹各自所喜愛的英語詩歌,包含 8 位詩人、9 首詩作,於每週三中午展現詩歌的多元生命力。歡迎每一位喜愛詩歌的同好,一起來體會、享受詩歌文學的美好與豐富!
Lyrical Lunch at Dong Hwa - Fall 2019
The "Lyrical Lunch at Dong Hwa" is a poetry reading and appreciation event on the Dong Hwa campus in every semester organized by the Language Center. Since Fall 2013, with Poetry Readings and Featured Talks, the "Lyrical Lunch at Dong Hwa" has created a space for and brought poetry in English to everyone in the Dong Hwa community and beyond.
This semester, join the 3 Language Center teachers and also the 3 special guest speakers in our Wednesday Noon Poetry Readings. Let us gather together reading 9 poems by 8 poets--John Donne, William Wordsworth, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Charles Baudelaire, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Wisława Szymborska, and Billy Collins--and become a part of Dong Hwa's diverse and exciting poetry scene.
*Limited seats! Please register. Free lunch meal is served.
※ 參與本活動可認證學生電子學習履歷。
※ 英詩小講堂活動提供午餐,報名後當天如不克前來,請於活動前來電取消報名。
※ 活動資訊及報名,請至跨域自主學習活動暨報名系統網頁查詢。
主辦單位:國立東華大學語言中心,電話:03-8905497,網站: https://lc.ndhu.edu.tw
日期 |
有詩的亭午-英詩小講堂場次 Lyrical Lunch Sessions |
鄭詠之老師,William Wordsworth (1770-1850), "The Solitary Reaper" 地點:人社三館 ,B106階梯教室 H&S III,B106 |
羅珮瑄老師,Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), “I heard a Fly buzz – when I died –” 地點:人社三館 ,B106階梯教室 H&S III,B106 |
周庭加老師,Wisława Szymborska (1923-2012), “Maybe All This” (Może to wszystko) 地點:人社三館 ,B106階梯教室 H&S III,B106 |
許瑞珍老師,Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), “A Psalm of Life” 地點:人社三館 ,B106階梯教室 H&S III,B106 |
周庭加老師,Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), “Cats” (Les Chats) 地點:人社三館,B106階梯教室 H&S III,B106 |
羅珮瑄老師,John Donne (1572-1631), “Death, be not proud” (Holy Sonnet 10) 地點:人社三館,B106階梯教室 H&S III,B106 |
許瑞珍老師,Robert Frost (1874-1963), “The Gift Outright” 地點:人社三館 ,B106階梯教室 H&S III,B106 |
12/11 |
吳海音老師,Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), “Nature - the Gentlest Mother is" 地點:人社三館 ,B106階梯教室 H&S III,B106 |
12/18 |
楊植喬老師,Billy Collins (b. 1941), “Introduction to Poetry” 地點:人社三館 ,B106階梯教室 H&S III,B106 |